
5151 San Felipe, Suite 2300, Houston, TX 77056

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Robert L. Heston, Jr.

Mr. Heston is an attorney licensed to practice law in Texas and California and has over three (3) decades of experience in law firm management and client representation. He has been admitted to the Supreme Courts of the States of Texas and California and to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas and the Central District of California. He has served on various law practice committees of the American Bar Association and on the Board of Mass Marketing Insurance Institute [MI2].

Throughout his career, Mr. Heston has been a speaker to both attorney and Human Resources audiences advocating the benefits of quality in legal plans. In addition, he has authored numerous articles for insurance producers on the connection between life and disability insurance sales and legal plans, the most recent of which is “How Millennials will Use Attorneys Going Forward”.

Mr. Heston is also President and CEO of LegalEASE, a LEGAL ACCESS Company. He assumed responsibility for the companies in 1983 and became a pioneer in the early stages of legal plan development. He has been instrumental in the development of the proprietary network management infrastructure utilized by LegalEASE. He has also been responsible for innovation on all levels of law firm network development and for establishing a revolutionary law firm provider model that exceeds customer service and quality assurance at all service levels in its legal plans. Worldwide, client-driven service excellence and integrated legal plan service delivery strategies are the passion of all of the people that work at LegalEASE.

In addition to being a happy husband and a proud father of two children, Mr. Heston actively volunteers through Lord of the Streets, a poverty alleviation program, and helps out as a volunteer coach through reVision.